Bruce J. Tumin, PE provides forensic analysis including but not limited to structures, foundations, roof covering and finish flooring systems for the property insurance industry, owners and Associations. Structures consist of concrete, wood and steel frame construction. His litigation consulting consists of expert witness testimonies and depositions dealing with construction deficiencies, product defects, cause and origin, extent of damage and deviation from plans.
Assembly, Business, Educational, Factory, Institutional/healthcare facilities, Mercantile, Residential, Storage commercial, and even Historical Structures have been evaluated, addressing roof, walls and floors of the structure. Whether assisting the Property Insurance Industry or helping Owners and Associations understand the damage to structures, components and coverings, Tumin Engineering can be your Engineer.
Residential and commercial floor covering systems consisting of marble and ceramic tiles, wood, vinyl and a variety of top coats observed, documented and analyzed to determine the causation and extend of the affected area. From design error to deviation from manufacturer’s specifications, I’ve seen it all.
Structural assessments of damage from Hurricanes Andrew, Opal, Floyd, Charley, Frances, Jeanne, Katrina, Wilma and Ike gives Tumin Engineering Company the experiences your company needs to properly evaluate damages and claims. Extensive research of every incident contributes to professional opinions that holds up in litigation as well as understandable to all parties.
Is This Claim Suspicious? Book engineers using numbers and charts have a hard time understanding the human element. Good Forensic Engineering uses psychology in understanding a loss. A wall or floor safe was very unlikely due to limited space and bonded floor tiles, however, easily covered up with a night stands in three bedrooms.
Tumin Engineering Company has been offering Forensic, Fire Protection, Life Safety and Civil Engineering throughout Florida since 1987
(954) 646-8877